
The First Man (Neil Armstrong) descends on the Moon surface July 20, 1969



Original photography NASA Apollo 11 S69-3049, Silver Print, A Kodak Paper, Red Tab Number, Vintage, 20.3 x 25.4 cm, Private Collection

On July 20, 1969, at 17:44 UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), the Lunar Module (Eagle) separated from the Control and Service Module (Columbia). At 20:18 UTC of the same day, the Eagle managed to land on the point of Mare Tranquillitatis of the Moon. When landing on the Moon, Neil Armstrong left some words marked now in Human history. "Houston, Tranquility Base here, The Eagle has landed." He had the honor of being the first Man on the Moon.

The First Man (Neil Armstrong) descends on the Moon surface July 20, 1969
Other photographs of the exhibition