
P.Z. (Photochrome Zurich)

Circa 1880

Photochrome, Vintage, 22,5 cm x 16,5 cm, Collection Privée

Khan el-Amar is a Bedouin village on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. The monastery in this photo was founded around 428 by Saint Euthymius the Great (377 - 473). The name of the saint means "good luck", "full of confidence", and "joy" in Greek. Saint Euthymius the Great performed miracles and converted heretics. He was called "the Great" by his disciples due to his eminent virtues. Many monasteries, which were established under the aegis of the saint in Palestine, passed on his teaching.

Dans le désert de Juda, sur la route Jérusalem- Jéricho, la halte au caravansérail de Khan el-Amar, Circa 1911, 9 x 12 cm, Ecole biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, ⓒBnF
Khan el-Amar, on the road to Jericho
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