
P.Z. (Photochrome Zurich)

Circa 1890

Photochrome, Vintage, 22,5 cm x 16,5 cm, Collection Privée

The Holy Lavra of Saint Sabbas, known in Syriac as Mar Saba, near Bethlehem, was built in the 8th century by Saint Sabbas the Sanctified, on the ochery cliffs of the Judaean Desert. The Holy Lavra of Saint Sabbas is an orthodox church of Jerusalem. It is one of the oldest in the world still hosting monks. The Lavra was a monastic establishment where many monks, like hermits in the nearby caves, met once a week to celebrate the services together. This practice is common in the Orthodox and Eastern Churches.

Francis Frith (1822-1898), Monastère de Mar Saba, Palestine, Entre 1856-1859, Carton 31,5 x 38 cm, Photographie 15 x 20,5 cm, Tirage albuminé, ⓒmahJ
Mar-Saba, the Monastery
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